2014年6月12日 星期四








(4)利用協助 維護自由軟體的機會來確保他們在軟體發展的過程中可以佔有一席之地。










(1)  GNU General Public License -- GPL

授權的軟體並不包含保固責任在內,原作者不需因其它軟體開發者不斷地增加或修改新功能而負起保固責任。但產品提供額外保固以及為實體傳輸產品而進行收費則是被允許的。GPL 授權條款起源於美國自由軟體基金會(Free Software Foundation)的GNU計畫,GPL為目前開放原始碼軟體最常見的授權方式。

(2)  GNU Lesser General Public License -- LGPL
在GPL的架構下,所有衍生成果均必須以涵蓋於GPL的範疇下,且因其無法與專屬軟體 (Proprietary software)進行整合,相對地也減少了開放原始碼軟體應用的機會。特別是如一些程式庫(Library)的開發,如果堅持需以GPL的方式進行授權,則必不符合應用於一般軟體開發過程的需求,因為開發出的成果同時也必須以GPL的形式公開。

(3)  Berkeley Software Distribution -- BSD
BSD 是由加州大學柏克萊分校所發展出來,其前身為一個UNIX版本的研發計畫。BSD條款的特點是文字極精簡,且對於使用者的規範而言,主要也僅針對原始碼與二元碼格式散佈時應載明事項,以及特定組織名稱是否具背書(Endorsement)效力等項目進行規範。

(4)  Mozilla Public License -- MPL

四.什麼是ODM? 什麼是OEM?

(1) ODM:(Original Design Manufacturer的縮寫)指由採購方委託製造方,由製造方從設計到生產一手包辦,而最終產品貼上採購方的品牌且由採購方負責銷售的生產方式。
(2) OEM:(Original Equipment Manufacturer的縮寫)又譯原始設備製造商,指由採購方提供設備和技術,由製造方負責生產、提供人力和場地,採購方負責銷售的一種現代流行生產方式。


(1)  64-bit PC (amd64)
(2)  32-bit PC (i386)
(4)  PowerPC
(5)  Hard Float ABI ARM
(6)  SPARC
(7)  kFreeBSD 64-bit PC (amd64)
(8)  Intel Itanium IA-64
(9)  MIPS (little endian)
(10) kFreeBSD 32-bit PC (i386)
(11) IBM S/390
(12) MIPS (big endian)
(13) IBM System z 

2014年6月5日 星期四

5/26 大學圖書館課堂心得

  1. Setting up access to content so that it’s easier to find and use – Access routes and all the various vendor platforms are a really complex landscape for both readers and the librarians who need to make sense of it all.
  2. Understanding their institution’s usage vs peer institutions – Is the usage their content is getting ‘good’ or ‘bad’ versus other institutions with a similar profile?  What should be done to make it better?
  3. Demonstrating how the content they’ve bought has impacted on the outcomes of the institution – How can the library prove that it helped to produce a better student, bring in grant funding, make a discovery, secure a patent?  Demonstrating the value proposition to those that hold the purse strings is really critical.
  4. How they can best present the nuances of licensing models to their patrons and upper management – Digital licensing models are complex and explaining these can be difficult to those who are not steeped in them. 
  5. Embedding their services fully in the researcher and student workflow – To do this successfully they also need to intimately understand the needs and behavior of their users and the point of interactions with the library service.  How do you deliver relevant information at the point of need with a service which makes a real difference to people’s daily lives?
  6. Supporting author/researcher education, especially early career researchers – Librarians are increasingly acting as knowledge consultants within their organizations and are called upon to deliver training to early year researchers which goes beyond the normal research skills training.  This might include training on understanding copyright, how to write a grant proposal, how to get OA funds and include them in grant applications, how to get published in the best journals, etc.
  7. Developing their role with research data management tools – Is the library best placed within the institution to support the data curation and research management behaviors of the departments and the labs they support?  If not libraries, then who?
  8. Evolving their roles and capabilities as librarians – Supporting the mixed economy of subscriptions plus Open Access and delivering on the expanding knowledge consultancy needs of their organizations requires a reconfiguring of librarian roles in a time of tighter resource.
  9. How should they reconfigure library policies to accommodate the mixed economy and the new realities – If they buy ebooks should they also buy print?  How much should be apportioned to demand driven acquisition?  Should they be buying textbooks at all?  Is it the library’s role to administer OA fees?  All these new issues are still being worked out and there is plenty of experimentation still going on.

6/6 LINUX 桌面系統

Debian 桌面系統不同語言介面:



2014年6月1日 星期日

5/9 LINUX 桌面系統心得



(1) 穩定版 (stable)
這是最新正式發行的 Debian 版本。這些軟件都相對穩定而且都經過良好 的測試,只在重大安全問題或者可用性問題得到修復後纔會做變更。

(2) 測試版 (testing)
這裏都是準備列入下一個穩定版中的軟件套件。在不穩定版 (unstable) 的軟件套件進入到測試版測試之前,必須經過一些 嚴格的審覈。需要提醒您注意的是測試版不會從 安全小組 獲得及時的安全更新。

(3) 不穩定版 (unstable)
這裏包含了 Debian 中最新版本的軟件套件。當這些軟件套件達到我們要求的穩定與品質的標準之後,就會被列進測試版本 中。同樣,不穩定版也不會從 安全小組 獲得及時的安全更新。
不穩定版中的軟件套件都只經過簡單的測試,因此可能包含了 足以影響您的系統穩定性的嚴重問題。只有極有經驗的用戶才應該考慮使用不穩定 版的軟件套件。


5/30 LINUX桌面系統課堂心得


Linux 發行版 ( 也被叫做 GNU/Linux 發行版 ) ,為一般使用者預先整合好的Linux作業系統及各種應用軟體。一般使用者不需要重新編譯,在直接安裝之後,只需要小幅度更改設定就可以使用,通常以軟體包管理系統來進行應用軟體的管理。Linux發行版通常包含了包括桌面環境辦公套件媒體播放器資料庫等應用軟體。這些作業系統通常由Linux核心、以及來自GNU計劃的大量的函式庫,和基於X Window的圖形介面。

由於大多數軟體包是自由軟體開源軟體,所以Linux發行版的形式多種多樣——從功能齊全的桌面系統以及伺服器系統到小型系統 (通常在嵌入式裝置,或者啟動軟碟)。除了一些客製軟體 (如安裝和配置工具),發行版通常只是將特定的應用軟體安裝在一堆函式庫和核心上,以滿足特定使用者的需求。

這些發行版可以分為商業發行版,比如Fedora (Red Hat)Ubuntu (Canonical公司);和社群發行版,它們由自由軟體社群提供支援,如Debian;也有發行版既不是商業發行版也不是社群發行版,其中最有名的是Slackware